Synchronised Clocks
Showing all 2 results
Sapling SMA 2000 Series Master Clock
• Available in rack or wall mount housing
• LED display for a clear, accurate read out
• 12 or 24 hour display
• Two buttons for programming
• Intuitive built-in web interface that allows the system administrator to configure all the settings of the SMA Series Master Clock easily from the
convenience of any computer on the same network
• RJ45 input for web interface and synchronization to any (S)NTP/NTP server
• Ability to store up to 10 different NTP server IP addresses or domain names for continuous accurate time and redundancy
• Automatically switches from one accurate time source to another in case of a communication failure -
Sapling SMM 3000 Series Master Clock
• Available in rack mount housing
• LED and LCD displays
• 2 rows of 8 rubber buttons for easy programming
• Intuitive built-in web interface allows the system administrator to configure all the settings of the SMM Series Master Clock easily from the convenience of any computer on the same network
• Interfaces with Sapling Master Input Box via RS485 to receive and transmit message codes
• Provides time correction to Sapling SDLG Message Display Clocks, Sapling SALG Wireless Analog Clocks, and Sapling SBLG Wireless Digital Clocks
• RJ45 input for web interface access and synchronization to any (S)NTP server